My Philosophy

Sacral Chakra
My work primarily focuses on the sacral & root chakras because this area is particularly important for men.
The sacral chakra is the second of the seven chakras in the body, associated with creativity, sensuality, and emotions.
The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel, and near the lumbar spine.
This chakra influences the genitals, lower back, and abdominal area. It is not uncommon for men to experience erections when I'm working in this area.
This is perfectly normal and a sign that blood is flowing freely.
The sacral chakra serves as the center of emotions, feelings, and creativity.
It also plays a role in sexuality and the expression of sexual needs.
When imbalanced, the sacral chakra may lead to feelings of detachment, isolation, anxiety, loneliness, low libido, or a lack of creative inspiration.
Certain yoga poses, like Bridge Pose, Pigeon Pose, and Lizard Pose, can strengthen the pelvic floor, supporting the sacral chakra.
The chakra system provides a roadmap for understanding and balancing the physical, emotional, and spiritual self, enhancing overall well-being.
Together, using my hands and tools, we begin a journey to healing.
The Role of Fascia
You won't find another bodyworker in the US with my unique technique, and I want to change that. This site showcases my work with clients and other massage therapists, highlighting individualized treatments based on my initial visual assessment.
I studied in Thailand, India, Vietnam, the US, Canada, and my home country, the Philippines.
I'll get to the point. Underneath our skin, our muscles, tendons, ligaments, and everything else in our bodies are shrink-wrapped in fascia.
When we were children, our bodies and everything in them moved fluidly. As we age and experience various traumas, our fascia loses this fluidity and elasticity, partly due to lifestyle, posture, diet, and routine.
Sticky fascia is often the source of pain and tenderness. When we experience this, it's the fascia responding to a lack of hydration, oxygen, and blood flow.
My technique essentially scrubs the insides from the outside, increasing blood flow and hydration to the fascia, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
The result? Improved flexibility, better blood flow, and less tenderness and overall pain. The initial process itself can be painful, but the results speak for themselves.